Dr. Yuhong Guo
Office: 374 SERC
E-mail: yuhong@temple.edu
Web page: Dr. Yuhong Guo
Course page: CIS 2033
Djordje (George) Gligorijevic
Office: 334 SERC
Office phone: +1 215 204 5376
E-mail: gligorijevic@temple.edu
Office hours for Spring 2015:
You will be given several assignments. These should be submitted to Teaching assistant directly or via email in a timely fashion. Assignments should be submited each week before (or at the beggining) the labs by the due date for the respective assignment.
There will be approximately 5 Lab assigments for which you will be given 2 weeks to complete and each will be worth 10 points. Lab assignments will include everything that was covered before the last lab assignment.
Late submissions of homework are not allowed! However, individual exceptions will only be granted in the rarest of circumstances. Appeals to accept late homework should be directed by email to the instructor, and should typically be accompanied by appropriate documentation (e.g. doctor’s note).
Unless otherwise specified, homework may not be done in groups
Homework problems will be discussed on the labs on the day the homework was due. It is highly recommended to take notes during homework discussion as you will not have your homework with you.
Introduction to MATLAB presentation:
Obtain MATLAB software:
MATLAB Site Licensed Software
MATLAB materials from labs:
Lab 1 code, introduction to MATLAB. |
Lab 2 code, outcomes, events and probability. |
Lab 3 code, conditional probability and independence. Lab 3 coincident birthday problem code Lab 3 Monty Hall code Lab 3 Monty Hall 2 code |
Lab 4 code, Discrete random variables |
Lab 5 code, Continuous random variables |
Lab 6 code, Simulation |
Lab 7 code, Expectation and variance Lab 7 data, 100 stations precipitation |
Lab 8 code, Expectation and variance, contd. Lab 8 code, Joint distributions and independence |
Lab 9 code, excercises. |
Lab 10 code, Covariance and correlation. Lab 10 solution code, Covariance and correlation. Lab 10 demo5.mat data |
Lab 11 code, Poisson process. Lab 11 solution code, Poisson process. Lab 11 poiss.mat data Lab 11 norm.mat data |
Lab 12 code, Poisson process, Graphical and Numerical summaries. Lab 12 solution code, Poisson process, Graphical and Numerical summaries. Lab 12 poiss.mat data Lab 12 norm.mat data Lab 12 oldfaithful.txt Old Faithful data Lab 12 software.txt Software reliability data Lab 12 drilling.txt Drilling in rock data Lab 12 jankahardness.txt Janka hardness of Australian timber data |
Lab 13 code, Basic statistical models, Unbiased estimators. |
Lab 14 code, Maximum likelihood. Lab 14 unif.mat data Lab 14 norm.mat data |
Solutions of lab assignments:
Solutions will be available between semesters.
Usefull slides:
Lab 3 slide, conditional probability and independence.
Usefull probability links:
Bayes rule in an animated gif article (visualising dependence of having a disease and having a positive test to it). |
Three birthday problem explained. |
Formula For the Sum Of the First N Squares – Proof, for Homework 10. |
Due time
Lab Assignment
Due time
Introduction to MATLAB
Chapt. 5: Continuous random variables
3pm. on Feb. 11
3pm. on Feb. 18
Spring break
Chapt. 9: Joint distributions and independence
3pm. on Mar. 11
3pm. on Mar. 25
Chapt. 15: Data analysis: graphical summaries
Chapt. 16: Data analysis: numerical summaries
3pm. on Apr. 8
3pm. on Apr. 22
Chapt. 21: Maximum likelihood
Chapt. 22: The method of least squares
Chapt. 20: Efficiency and mean squared error
3pm. on Apr. 15