function montyHall2(n,d,o) %montyhall(n,d,o) Simulates n rounds of the Monty Hall problem and % gives win/loss ratio % % n : Number of rounds to simulate (Any positive integer) % d : Number of doors (Positive integer >= 3) % o=0 : Show final win/loss score and estimated probability % o=1 : Show win/loss tally chart and estimated probability % o=2 : Show results for each round % % All parameters are optional, by default they will take the values: % n=1, d=3, o=0. % % The Monty Hall problem is a probability puzzle based on the American % television game show Let's Make a Deal. The name comes from the show's % host, Monty Hall. The problem is also called the Monty Hall paradox, % as it is a veridical paradox in that the result appears absurd but is % demonstrably true. % % Reference: win=0; lose=0; tally=[0;0]; Monty=0; % Check for nonexistent variables and set to defaults if exist('n')~=1 n=1; end if exist('d')~=1 || d<3 || d~=round(d) d=3; end if exist('o')~=1 o=0; end if o==2 for i = 1:n % Picks a random door for the car to be behind Car = randi(d)-1; % Player picks a random door Choose = randi(d)-1; % Monty recursively picks a random door until he has chosen % the door that neither has the car behind it or has been % chosen by the player while (Monty==Car || Monty==Choose) Monty=randi(d)-1; end % If you originally choose the car, no matter what door Monty % opens, you will lose by switching. % If you originally choose a goat, Monty has to open a door to % reveal the other goat, and switching will switch to the car % meaning you win. % Simply put, if you originally choose the car, switching wins % and if you don't, switching loses. % This is the basis of the score tally system if Choose==Car lose=lose+1; else win=win+1; end % Display round results after game has been played. disp(['Round ',num2str(i)]); disp('Chosen door:'); disp([zeros(1,Choose),1,zeros(1,(d-1)-Choose)]); if CarChoose disp('Monty opens:'); disp([ones(1,Choose),0,ones(1,Car-Choose-1),0,ones(1,(d-1)-Car)]); end if Car == Choose if Car=10 disp(['Estimated Chance Of Winning After Switch: ',num2str(win/n)]); end end