%% Temple university CIS 2033 % A modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics % Chapter 12: The Poisson process % Chapter 15: Data analysis: graphical summaries % Chapter 16: Data analysis: numerical summaries % % Author: Djordje Gligorijevic % email: gligorijevic@temple.edu % % Special thanks to Min Xiao (http://astro.temple.edu/~tud09663/index.html) % for given examples and ideas for lab examples. %% Excercise 1: load poiss.mat. % Let the discrete random variable $X$ be the number of customers visiting % ABC Bank in a hour. We know that $X ~ Poiss(lambda). % The poiss.mat stores such information: 1000 records. % 1.1) Estimate lambda; % 1.2) Based on the computed lambda, randomly generate 500 data samples from % Poiss(lambda) % 1.3) Save the data into a mat file. %% Excercise 2: load norm.mat. % Let the continuous random variable $X$ be the price changes of the product XYZ. % Positive values mean its price is increased and negative values means its % price is decreased. % We know that X ~ N(mu, sigma^2). % The norm.mat stores 1000 records of such information. % Please load the data and % 2.1) Estimate mu and sigma; % 2.2) Based on the computed mu and sigma, randomly generate 500 data % samples from N(mu, sigma^2) % 2.3) Save the data into a mat file. %% Excercise 3: load oldfaithful.txt % Replicate figure 15.2 from the Textbook, page 211. %% Excercise 4: load oldfaithful.txt and software.txt data % Replicate Figure 15.10 from the textbook page 220 %% Excercise 5: load drilling.txt % Replicate Figure 15.10 from the textbook page 223 %% Excercise 6: load jankahardness.txt % Replicate Figure 15.12 from the textbook page 224